Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mr. Chi and Georgie at my house
Chisuwe village making vinyo

Tree Nursery we made last week

Kasungu National Park, near my house

My "uchi" Miko

Chief Inaguration Dance in my village

Me N Mico at Mabuya Camp, in the rain with no electricity

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Happy Halloween! Happy B-day! Merry Christmas!

Hello, muli bwanj? Ndili Bwino. Im here again in Lilongwe for a blood donor training. Im with all the Kasungu District volunteer's, their is 8 of us all together. Not really exciting, today we will be doing lots of role playing (Malawians favorite thing to do). Uhhhhhhh not much to report really. I got my bike back after it was stolen. Ive just been working and reading. I did spend last weekend with my boyfriend Miko at a very cool backpackers camp. So Im going to put a picture of him on here for yall to see. Weve ben dating scince April, I met him at the Malawi College of Forestry where he studies and Peace Corps does their training. He's pretty awesome. I did not do anything for Halloween, but we will be going to the US ambassodors house for thanksgiving, then my friends and I will be going to the lake probably for Christmas and New years. In between I will be in my village doing a soap, Jam, juice training, then at the end of November, we are doing the mushroom training, then beekeeping is starting. So very busy. Ok must go to training now, Pictures are coming shortly.